4 Ways a Plumber Can Help You Reduce Your Water Usage

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Reducing your water usage is essential for protecting both the environment and your wallet. A typical family can reduce their water bill by making some simple changes, like fixing leaks and installing water-saving fixtures. Here are four ways your plumber can help you save water around your home. 1. Fixing Leaks One of the most common ways families wastewater is by not fixing leaks in their homes. A single leaky faucet can waste gallons of water each year, so imagine the impact of multiple leaks!…

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Three Critical Signs That You Need a Hot Water Replacement

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Most homes in Australia rely on hot water every day for cooking, showering, and cleaning. That is why it is vital to have properly working hot water systems in the home. When these systems fail, they can disrupt many household activities, especially in the winter when they are most needed. Even with the highest level of care, wear and tear will eventually cause the hot water system to break down. Sometimes, the damage can be repaired by changing a few parts.…

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Four Mistakes To Avoid With Your Gas Plumbing

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If you have a gas appliance or plan to install one in your home, then you need to make sure that you are taking all of the necessary safety precautions. Gas plumbing is a bit different from regular plumbing, and if you aren’t careful, this can lead to some major problems. Here are four mistakes to avoid making with your gas plumbing: 1. Making Your Own Gas Plumbing Repairs If your gas appliance stops working or develops a leak, it is important that you don’t try to repair it yourself.…

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Do You Need to Dig up Your Patio to Deal with an Underground Blockage?

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If you have a blocked drain somewhere beneath your backyard, but you’ve recently spent a lot of money paving that area with fancy brickwork, you may be under stress. After all, you don’t know where the blockage is and can imagine the damage and disruption ahead with the associated cost. How much will you need to spend to “redo” the brickwork, in addition to your plumbing fees? Shedding Light on the Issue…

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