The Benefits of Installing a Solar Hot Water System

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If you’re considering upgrading your hot water system, you may not have considered opting for a solar hot water system. This blog post looks at some of the benefits of such a system. Cost-Effective The sun is one of the most natural resources available to humanity. It’s also free, which means that there are plenty of benefits to be had from using it. If you live in a place that has strong sunshine for much of the year, then investing in this type of system can bring real rewards.…

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Hot Water Installation: Which System Is Best for You?

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When you need a new hot water system, you might feel overwhelmed by all the different options that are available. This guide explains the various systems so that you can decide which one is the best fit for your home. Traditional Gas or Electric Hot Water System The traditional type of hot water system uses a gas boiler or electric water heater to heat up water that is then stored in a tank until you are ready to use it.…

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What Impacts the Size of Your Hot Water System?

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If you need to purchase a hot water system for your home, you might be wondering about the size of hot water system that you need to be looking at. After all, you will obviously want to make sure that the unit is big enough to provide ample hot water for your family. Additionally, you might be curious about how much your hot water system is going to cost. Understandably, the size of your system will have a big impact.…

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Plumbing Maintenance Checks: 3 Areas That Your Plumber Should Check

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Plumbing problems can be quite expensive to deal with, especially if you’ve ignored them for far too long. It is often easy to ignore plumbing issues that seem relatively small, but that is detrimental since they’ll worsen over time. Essentially, you should have a proper maintenance strategy to keep your plumbing system in good working order at all times. During routine maintenance checks, your plumbing contractor will look out for defects and fix them right away.…

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3 Signs Your Gas Furnace is Underperforming and Requires Repairs

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Homes rely on furnaces to heat indoor air during winter and promote a comfortable space amidst the cold outdoors. Therefore, if your furnace is underperforming, you need to establish the root of the problem. Failure to do so can lead to heating system failure. With this in mind, here are three signs your gas furnace is underperforming and may need heating repair services. Inadequate heating  When you set the desired temperatures on your thermostat, your furnace heats the air to the specified temperature.…

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How to Keep Your Hot Water System in Top Running Condition

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Your residential water heater performs the important task of providing hot water for your household needs. In order to keep it working reliably and efficiently throughout the year, you’ll need to undertake a number of maintenance tasks. Here’s a look at some of the crucial tips for water heater maintenance. Conduct Regular Inspections Water heaters are like cars — they need to be regularly checked, even when they’re not showing any signs of failure.…

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Why Your Plumber May Need a Leak Detection Specialist

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You rely on your regular plumber to solve all your plumbing problems, but what happens when you have a mystery leak they can’t find? That’s where leak detectors come in. As the name suggests, leak detectors are the specialist plumbers that regular plumbers turn to for help when they can’t detect a leak themselves. These plumbers have the knowledge, skill, experience, and specialised tools required to locate and fix plumbing leaks much quicker and more efficiently than regular plumbers can.…

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