Hot Water Installation: Which System Is Best for You?

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When you need a new hot water system, you might feel overwhelmed by all the different options that are available. This guide explains the various systems so that you can decide which one is the best fit for your home.

Traditional Gas or Electric Hot Water System

The traditional type of hot water system uses a gas boiler or electric water heater to heat up water that is then stored in a tank until you are ready to use it. This kind of system is a good option for large households with multiple bathrooms, as it can handle demands for hot water from more than one source. On the other hand, it is less good for smaller households, where the space taken up by the storage tank cuts down on storage space for the residents.

To maximise the efficiency of this type of system, it is important to insulate the hot water tank to minimise heat loss. You should also get into a routine of turning on the hot water system shortly before you plan to take a shower and then turning it off again, or alternatively use a timer system to do this for you automatically.

Tankless Hot Water System

A tankless system is a good option for smaller households. Instead of heating water in advance, this kind of system heats water when you turn on the tap to request hot water. As there is no storage, no energy is wasted heating water that is not used. The downside is that this type of system cannot usually provide hot water to more than one output at once, so if one person is having a shower, another person will need to wait before they can wash dishes.

Solar Hot Water System

A solar hot water system is an eco-friendly option. This type of system captures the sun's energy to heat water. It is only suitable for homes that have a sunny roof onto which panels can be installed. The upfront cost of a solar hot water system is high, but it has low running costs.

Condensing Hot Water System

Condensing hot water systems are only suitable for homes that use gas heating. They use the hot waste gases expelled from the gas heater to warm up water, which is stored until it is needed. As they use energy that would otherwise be wasted, condensing hot water systems are very efficient. As with all tank-based systems, it is important to insulate the storage tank to minimise energy losses.

Contact a company that offers hot water installation services to learn more.
