4 Signs You Need a New Hot Water System

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Your water heater is an incredibly important system. It should be well maintained and serviced to continually enjoy its momentous services. However, even with the best maintenance and care, your hot water system will not last forever. A damaged hot water system has poor energy efficiency and is quite unreliable. Here are a few signs that you should replace your hot water system. 

Constant Repairs

If your water heater is constantly demanding repairs, an expert plumber will advise you to replace it to avoid spending any more money on it. It will likely start breaking apart and failing to perform optimally. Your best bet is to have your plumber remove the old and damaged weather heater and replace it with a new, effective hot water system. 

Contaminated Water

Contaminated water may be coming from your water heater. This could be in various forms. Muddy or sandy water indicates that there is a build-up in your tank. The hot water could also have a metallic smell and taste. Even worse, the hot water may contain particles of rust. Showering, cleaning, and cooking with this contaminated water could be extremely dangerous for you and your family. 

While draining the tank may remove the sediments, this solution is merely short term. The contaminated water indicates that rust has caused damage to the important parts of the tank, especially around the inlet and outlet connections. 

System Age

How long have you had your hot water system? If you've had your water heater for more than 2 decades, you need to plan on replacing it as soon as possible. Whether you have had many problems with the heater or not, you can start to anticipate a decline in performance due to its age. In addition, older models have been overtaken by time and are not less energy efficient than newer models. Consult your plumber on the best model to replace your old hot water system. 

Rising Energy Bills

Hot water accounts for most of the heat energy your home uses. Once the hot water system starts to decline, it'll reduce its efficiency. It will require more energy to heat the water. If you notice a rising cost of energy in your home, consult a professional to learn of any available ways to improve it. Most likely, you'll need to replace it with a new hot water system with a higher efficiency translating to lower energy cost.

While it's generally a high and unwanted cost, replacing the hot water system creates an opportunity for you to reduce your home's energy bills by installing a new hot water system. Reach out to a professional about a hot water system installation
